Coming Soon!


Purpose of the site

I intend this site to be a ressource for everything related to The Division 2 for Clan members and other fellow agents. I will try as much as possible to make all content self-produced or clan members produced, and, when not possible, I will either link to ressources or clearly state the sources for whatever I provide. I DO NOT INTEND TO TAKE CREDIT FOR ANYONE'S WORK !

I started this clan first and foremost as a means to gather the people I enjoy playing with easily so we can enjoy the new game together. Some of us go way back from the beginning of second wave activation in New York, while some came in later.

Guides and walktroughs

I want to provide links to ressources providing guides and walkthroughs to the most sought after The Division 2 content, like the Hunters and their Ivory keys, Hydden Hotels, farming routes, secret gear rooms, blueprints, Backpack trophies, etc.

PVE Strategies

I also want to give access to walkthroughs and strategies for the hardest PVE activities the game has to offer, including the best builds depending on your playstyle.

PVP Strategies

I will provide analysis and details about the PVP content in the game, whether it be the Dark Zones or the organized PVP modes of Conflict. Again, this will include builds and other relevant ressources.

Commendations and Collectibles

I will also give access to as much content as possible concerning the various Commendations in the game and also how to acquire all the intel pieces (Echos, phones, etc.).

Community Hub and agents promotion

I will and hope to be able to help other agents promote their own gaming endeavors, including streaming, content production, etc. I will happily provide links to other agents Youtube, Twitch, Mixer, etc. As long as this collaboration goes both ways ! 

Also, on a voluntary basis, I would like to have some kind of section dedicated to the agents of the clan providing some kind of background or bio.